Wooden Rolling Pins

Size: Standard 12″, Standard 17-18″, Tapered 12″, Tapered 17-18″

Material: Padauk, Cherry, Maple, Walnut, Oak, Specialty Wood with a
Unique Grain and/or Style

Starting at $35 up to $80


As a foodie, I have tried many tools, and read about new approaches yet still come back to what works best. Sometimes those time-tested, simple tools remain the best . Nothing else seems to offer the same feel, comfort, and control as this simple yet elegant piece of wood. It is the best rolling pin there is for working with crusts, dough, pastry, and everything else baking.


While some home bakers and pastry chefs prefer using straight rolling pins because of the ease with which they roll out dough to even thickness, others prefer using tapered rolling pins because they’re easy to hold and maneuver, allowing you to pivot directions (and eliminating the need to lift your dough off the countertop and rotate).


The simple design of these rolling pins provides the least possible barrier between your hands and whatever type of dough you’re rolling out, allowing you to feel what’s happening underneath as you apply pressure. In the case of pie dough, this helps you to sense if you’re rolling out the dough to a uniform thickness—which, as every baker knows, is crucial for even cooking.


Our hard-wood dowel-style wooden rolling pins are sturdy and strong. They are so strong that they can also be used to crush ice, conquer crackers or crotons, and with the right pressure and techniques can flatten out your proteins for any marsala.


Our Visual Guarantee before Shipping. (Please Read More)
• Each item is hand-made, so each is unique and, no two are alike.
• We will send you an email with a jpg for your approval before Shipping.
• Proportions may vary based on the wood type and availability.

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